The 3rd coordination meeting between partners of the project 3 WATCH OUT “Trilateral model of civil protection: WAys, Tools and CHallenges for OUr safeTy” took place on 2 and 3 April 2019 in Bari, Italy.
The location was the evocative “Villa La Rocca”, witness of the Neoclassic style of Bari from a long time ago, today owned by the University of Bari. Lead Partner, Puglia Region Civil Protection Department and the partners, the University of Bari Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, the two NGOs, Research and Cooperation and Partnership for Development Foundation, the Montenegrin Ministry of the Interior – Directorate for Emergency Management and the Regional Council of Lezha discussed about the progress of the WPs for which they are responsible, and of possible modifications. They mainly focused about the state of the art of different activities, and in particular about pilot actions to reduce hydro, seismic and fire risks, about natural engineering interventions, as well as about exercises, that will realise throughout the year.
During the meeting the partners visited the Centre for Research, Experimentation and Training CRSFA “Basile Caramia” located in Locorotondo (Ba), that is in charge for studies, researches and analyses about vegetation, that will be used for soil bio-engineering techniques with Mediterranean species. In particular, the aim consists of trying to tackle the problem of slope erosion through the dune consolidation, planting of targeted plant species, whose characteristics and propagation modalities are being studied at the "Basile-Caramia" Centre.
The fourth meeting will be held in Montenegro in autumn 2019 for the definition of methodology and timing of workshops and awareness days, in order to join a common approach related to civil protection and how to reply in case of emergency or how to prevent risks.