The cross border cooperation project 3 WATCH OUT Trilateral model of civil protection: WAys, Tools and CHallenges for OUr safety, was presented on 24 and 25 July in Bari in the headquarters of Puglia Region.
The project is funded within the Interreg IPA CBC Italy-Albania-Montenegro Programme, Axis 3
“Environment protection, risk management and low carbon strategy”, with a total budget of 979 400.00 EUR. The project duration is 24 months.
3 WATCH OUT aims to delineate a trilateral model in the field of civil protection through the identification of appropriate measures to take in order to develop a joint risk management system and cross border cooperation in case of emergency, which will guarantee efficient and effective actions for risk prevention and disaster response.
The Lead partner is Puglia Region Civil Protection Department. The project partnership is composed of two Italian partners, University of Bari Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science and NGO Research and Cooperation, one Montenegrin partner, Ministry of the Interior, Directorate for Emergency Management and two Albanian partners, Regional Council of Lezha and NGO Partnership for Development.