situation room

16 October 2020
Exercise on seismic risk in South Italy Region of Apulia

An important table-top exercise (TTX) involved the territory of the province of Bari today. Our 3Watchout organized the simulation of an earthquake at a depth of 18 km and with a magnitude of Mw = 4.5.

The exercise organized by the Puglia Region - Civil Protection Section, in agreement with the Prefecture of Bari and in collaboration with the National Department of Civil Protection, was held with the collaboration of the National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology (INGV) and had as main objective the test of the communication flows between the Regional Civil Protection, the Prefecture which activated the Rescue Coordination Center (CCS), the Provincial Command of the Fire Brigade of Bari, the Provincial Coordination of Associations of Voluntary Service of the Province of Bari, 118 Direction Bari-BAT and local authorities (municipalities of Altamura and Santeramo in the specific case), in order to make the Apulian civil protection system more and more efficient in the national, European and cross-border context.

The Municipalities of Altamura and Santeramo in Colle have activated their own Municipal Operational Centers (COC).

The activation of the Regional Emergency Centers and the Union Mechanism of European Civil Protection was simulated, through the National Department of Civil Protection.

The TTX related to seismic risk was organized to test local, regional, national and international procedures in case of earthquakes. Since Montenegro, Albania and Italy have a common risk of natural or man-made disasters, such trainings and exercises of authorities and stakeholders become relevant beyond the Italian borders.

The table-top exercise (TTX) 2020 was an opportunity for the entire regional Civil Protection System to test an intervention model on the territory based on cooperation and the correct subdivision of roles and tasks, as well as to verify the resources actually available. and can be activated in case of real emergency. The exercise also provided the opportunity to verify the validity of emergency plans and to test the effectiveness of the planned communication flows. During the exercise phases, national operational measures consistent with the management of the epidemiological emergency COVID-19 were adopted and tested. In particular, communications through videoconferencing systems between the Prefecture and regional civil protection.