Atmospheric parameters sensors

26 May 2020
Sensors in Lezhe will provide early warning from flooding

This Tuesday a new technological device was presented to the public. From now on, 3 special sensors set-up in Lezha Municipality, Shengjin and Lac will provide early warnings about the flooding risk. The entire Region of Lezha is at risk from floods and the sensors will provide real-time information regarding the quantity of rain, temperatures, soil humidity, the direction of the wind, and air pressure. The sensors will remain for two years property of the Regional Council of Lezha and then will be transferred to Regional Environment Agency.

President of the Region of Lezha, Eduard Ndreca, and his deputies in charge of Kurbin and Mirdita were present at the ceremony. Mr President explains to the local public that the senors are provided by our 3 Watchout project under the Interreg Italy-Albania-Montenegro program and how important is this technology for agriculture and tourism in the Lezha region.

Detailed news coverage was provided by a local TV in Lezha.